Harvest Festival
3231 Main Street.,
The Oakley Harvest Festival is an old-fashioned, family-friendly
event. Dog owners may bring their canine friends in costume to
march in the "Canine Costume Parade" and get a doggy bag at the
end of the parade. Guests may also dress in costume to join the
costume parade at 2 pm and children will receive a goody bag at
the end of this parade. Both parades are a short distance through
the park and make for a great photo opportunity.
More than 30 vendors and food carts will be on hand. There will
be a pie-eating contest, bounce houses, balloon art, games, dance
performances and more. Be sure to bring a pre-carved or decorated
pumpkin to enter into the "pumpkin decorating contest" with VISA
gift cards awarded to the funniest, scariest and most
Admission and parking are free.
For more information, call Cindy at (925) 625-7044 or email: